Elevate your brand with Corrado Manenti.

Harness the power of psychology and marketing expertise to create captivating campaigns tailored to luxury and lifestyle audiences.


I am a professional passionate and enthusiastic with an academic background in psychology and people management and practical training in marketing applied mainly to fashion, luxury and lifestyle contexts.


Strategic and Operational Consulting

I offer customised strategic advice and operational support to navigate the challenges of today's market, drawing on the support of my team to ensure comprehensive and effective solutions.


Experiential Marketing and Sensorial Branding

I create experiential marketing campaigns that engage the senses and cement the customer's bond with your brand, using an approach that integrates the creative input of my team.


New Product and Business Line Development

I drive innovation in your portfolio by developing new products and business lines, working closely with my team to anticipate and meet market trends


Instore experience Design

I design unique shopping experiences that transform each shop into a stage for your brand, with the support of my team to create environments that enhance the customer experience.


Digital Positioning

I define your digital presence with targeted strategies to maximise online engagement, taking advantage of the latest digital marketing technologies and methodologies.


Business Coach, Speach

I offer business coaching and motivational interventions that aim to empower your team and inspire success, using my skills and experience to turn challenges into opportunities.

Find out how I can help your company and your project reach its full potential

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Creating an immortal Brand narrative:

In a world where traditional marketing is no longer enough, my approach combines deep psychological insights and innovative strategies to transform the way your brand communicates and interacts with consumers. to deliver not just products, but experiences that elevate your brand. Specialising in creating meaningful connections, I celebrate the uniqueness of each customer, turning every aspiration into tangible success.

What makes my approach unique

In my approach to marketing and consulting, I combine a deep understanding of human psychology with practical experience in the fashion, luxury and lifestyle industry. This allows me to create tailor-made strategies that not only meet the needs of the market, but also speak directly to the hearts of consumers. This is what makes my method distinctive:

Psychology-Driven Marketing

CLMy background in psychology allows me to understand not only what customers think, but also why they act a certain way. This insight enriches any marketing strategy, ensuring that campaigns are not only attractive, but extremely effective.


In the fashion and luxury industry, details make all the difference. My approach focuses on excellence in every minute aspect of branding and experiential marketing, ensuring that every element is curated and consistent with the brand image.

Continuous Innovation

I embrace the latest trends and technological innovations to keep your brand one step ahead. Early adoption of new digital strategies and engagement techniques ensures that your market presence is always fresh and relevant.

Between Innovation and Tradition

Adapt and innovate are the pillars of my approach to marketing. In an era of constant change, I customise strategies to adapt not only to market trends, but also to the unique needs of your business. This means going beyond 'one size fits all' solutions and developing tailored tactics that maximise impact and effectiveness. Through careful analysis and boundless creativity, my goal is to position your brand to not only participate in the market, but to lead it.

Brown Wooden Table and Chairs Inside Building
Black Outdoor Lounge Chair in Between Blue Swimming Pool Under White Cloudy Blue Sky
I wanted to create a Manifesto that summarises all my values.

Discover my Manifesto for a New Way of Marketing


We believe in the Power of Aspiration

We recognise that every individual has dreams, desires and aspirations. Our task is to understand these desires and respond to them through our products, services and experiences.



We respect and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual. Our marketing reflects the diversity of human aspirations and seeks to touch each individual in a meaningful way.


Creating Memorable Experiences

We are committed to creating experiences that resonate with our customers' aspirations. This is not just about selling a product or service, but about creating an experience that can transform and enrich our customers' lives.


Authentic fiction

We strive to tell authentic and powerful stories that highlight not only our products, but also the values and visions we represent. Our storytelling goes beyond this: we tell the unique facets of the territory, the heritage of excellence that permeates our history, and the sophisticated craftsmanship that distinguishes our brand, giving luxury a deeply personal and meaningful dimension.


Beyond Product and Service

We recognise that what we offer is more than just a product or service. What we offer is a step towards realising the aspirations of our customers.



We strive to maintain a sense of exclusivity in our products and services. We recognise that aspiration often stems from a desire for something that is out of reach, and we work to create offerings that elicit this feeling.



We strive for excellence in everything we do. From designing our products to creating customer experiences, our goal is to exceed expectations and set new standards in our industry.


Celebrating people behind the scenes

We recognise and appreciate the vital role that the people behind the scenes play in the creation of our products and customer experiences. Their passion, skill and dedication are essential to realising the excellence we aspire to deliver. By celebrating them, we make our customers part of the creation process, showing the humanity and care behind our products.



We know that with the great power of aspirational marketing also comes great responsibility. We are committed to exercising this power with ethics and integrity, always respecting the wishes and aspirations of our customers.


Building Meaningful Relationships

We believe in the power of relationships. We strive to build lasting and meaningful connections with our customers, based on trust and mutual respect. Our intention is to go beyond a business transaction, to establish a bond based on shared values and common aspirations.


Becoming a Source of Inspiration

Our supreme purpose is to serve as a source of inspiration for our customers. We aim to exemplify success, excellence and achievement, to motivate and inspire our customers to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Through our products and services, we want to demonstrate that goals can be achieved and that aspiration is the first step towards realisation.


Leaving a Mark, Becoming Iconic

ur ultimate goal is to leave an indelible mark in history and in people's lives. We aspire to become an icon, a symbol of aspirations realised and dreams achieved. Our ambition is to be memorable and eternal, to inspire present and future generations through our commitment to excellence and the fulfilment of aspiration.

a woman with a rose in her hand
close-up photography of boat

The most beautiful story is yours:

At the heart of my approach to marketing is a strong emphasis on authentic storytelling. I believe that every brand has a unique story to tell, a story that can completely transform market perception. I use this powerful storytelling tool to create campaigns that not only communicate your brand's values and visions, but also resonate deeply with your target audience. Your story is not only told, it is experienced and appreciated by your customers, making them feel a vital part of your brand journey.

Are you ready to elevate your Brand?

Contact me today to embark on a transformative journey towards improving your brand visibility and market impact.

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